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Nov 17, 2021

The book, Fixing Your Feet by John Vonhoff with Tonya Olson, is the ultrarunner’s definitive guide on foot care. Now in its 7th edition, John and Tonya share details about the book’s new upgrade and essential tips including shoe fit, sock selection, foot care, recovery and much more.  
John brings 39 years of experience as a runner, cyclist, hiker and medical professional and a never-ending quest to learn more about foot care to help athletes in extreme events including, Western States, Badwater, Transrockies, Tahoe Rim Trail and many more. 
Tonya brings a comprehensive understanding of foot care from her experience as a runner, as well as her training as a physical therapist, providing her with an understanding of wound care, physics, biomechanics and the complexity of factors that contribute to foot care issues and injuries.

And stay tuned after the interview for our “What’s the Issue” segment with UltraRunning Magazine editor, Amy Clark, including details on how you could score an entry into Western States 100! 
Episode sponsor: Utzy Naturals
Fixing Your Feet website
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Photo: Howie Stern